In-vitro fertilization (IVF/ICSI)

In-vitro fertilization (IVF/ICSI) is the most effective infertility treatment!

In-vitro fertilization (IVF/ICSI)

In-vitro fertilization is the most common method of the assistive reproductive Technique, during which the egg is fertilized by spermatozoa by an embryologist in the laboratory. There are two techniques of in-vitro fertilization: conventional in-vitro fertilization, and ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection). During conventional IVF, the egg and spermatozoa are placed in a single tube. The ICSI is a micro manipulation during which the embryologist himself/herself inserts the sperm cell pronucleus with the best morphological parameters chosen by him/her into the egg cell. The ICSI method is more advantageous in cases of male infertility.

In order to obtain eggs, a controlled stimulation of ovaries is made in the woman, the protocol of which is determined individually for each patient. The oocytes obtained after the aspiration of ovaries will go through fertilization and will be grown for 2-3 days or 5-6 days (blastocysts). The embryologist evaluates the development of embryo/ embryos daily, and on the respective days, the best embryos are transferred into the uterine cavity. The remaining embryos are frozen. Pregnancy is determined in 10-12 days after the embryo/embryos are transferred.

In-vitro fertilization success index is 65% in women under 36, and 40% - in women above 36. In the case of egg donation, it reaches 80%.
Infertility is defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy through 1 year of regular intercourse without any contraception. Infertility should be treated as a couple`s problem without focusing only on one partner`s problems. 10-15% of the population within reproductive age faces infertility.

35% of cases are due to male infertility, equally, another 35% of cases are attributed to female infertility, 20% - due to both partners, and in 10%, we deal with unexplained infertility.




Factors conditioning female infertility are:

  • Impermeability of fallopian tubes;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Ovaries reduced reserve;
  • Uterine factor;
  • Congenital anatomical defects of the genital system;
  • Unexplained infertility.


Factors conditioning male infertility are:

  • Change of spermogram indices: decrease in spermatozoa, motion disorders and morphology reduction;
  • Aspermia/Azoospermia;
  • Retrograde ejaculation;
  • Hormonal imbalance.


The following factors have a negative influence on the reproductive system of both sexes:

  • Environmental factors;
  • Toxic effect of tobacco, marijuana, alcohol and other substances;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Malnutrition/hunger/weight deficit/excess weight;
  • Chemotherapy/radiotherapy.
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